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CD: Acoustic Grinder "Musical Destruction From 1989-1993"
2xCD: After School Special "Self-Titled"
CD: Agathocles "Distrust And Abuse/Agarchy/Who Shares The Guilt?"
CD: Agathocles "Goddamned In Gentbrugge"
CD: Agathocles "Humarrogance"
CD: Agathocles "Razor Sharp Daggers"
CD: Agathocles "Thanks For Your Hostility"
CD: Agathocles/Agressivo Pau Podi/Bill The Dog "Speciecists Are Murderers II"
CD: Agathocles/Atrofia Cerebral/VLFXVRZ "Fremitvs Harpyarvm"
CD: Agathocles/F.U.C.K. "Split"
CD: Agathocles/Mugre/VRK "Split"
CD: Agathocles/Porket Grinder "Split"
2xCD: Ass Ache "No More Formitrol, 30 Years Later"
CD: Ataque Frontal "Ataque Frontal"
CD: Beaten To Death "Laat Maar, Ik Verhuis Naar Het Bos"
CD: Beaten To Death "Unplugged"
CD: Bedford/TheSuperEighteen/Sometimes Seven/Flotation Walls "4 Way Split"
CD: Black Putrefaction "The Return Of The Greenflies"
CD/Tape: blackwinterwells "Crystal Shards"
CD: Boris The Sprinkler "8 Testicled Pogo Machine"
CD: Boris The Sprinkler "...Gay!"
CD: Boris The Sprinkler "Mega Anal"
CD: Boris The Sprinkler "Suck"
2xCD: Cacasonica "Las Primeras Bullas 2006-2012"
CD: Cannibalistic Dissection "Self-Titled"
CD: Carter Peace Mission "Disco Stu Likes Disco Music"
CD: Cephalic Carnage "Conforming To Abnormality"
CD: Channel 3 "CH3"
CD: Dan Vapid And The Cheats "Escape Velocity"
CD: Dan Vapid And The Cheats "Self-Titled"
CD: DxIxE "d.i.e.r.r.e.a."
CD: Dirt Bike Annie "Hit The Rock!"
2xCD: Disgorge "Sawn Off Throat Gun"
CD: Egghead. "Dumb Songs For Smart People"
CD: Egghead. "Would Like A Few Words With You"
CD: El Scorcho "A World Without Heroes"