CD: ICYROSE "Epiphany"

CD: ICYROSE "Epiphany"


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Short and bittersweet, but nonetheless sweet. A letter by those that are experiencing crippling social anxiety, depression, or just feeling like a burden to those around them; questioning the very plane of their existence while struggling to recover the loss of a happiness that they soon suspect they never had. Suffering, grieving, dying, and then releasing. Epiphany’s title track sets the tone for the melancholic yet rich and melodic soundscape, accompanied by the shameless auto tune that mocks the fake plastic world around us. Hearkening back to the early works of owl city yet laced with hopelessness in stark contrast from start to finish. Ryan’s blunt yet fitting expression and lyricism carries the album effortlessly. He says what’s on the minds of all who have felt remotely similar pains to what the album illustrates. In an ocean of soft synths, snappy high hats, captivating vocals and textures, you’re swept away into observing the life of a young man who’s used to thinking that all misfortune that happens to either himself or those around him is his fault. This album is a perfect rendition of the experience of defeated person’s agony. Beautifully captured in under 30 minutes. A highly recommended album for either those just getting into Ryan’s works or those who have been listening since the beginning. Album score: 10.