Tape: Haggus/Weedeous Mincer "Split"
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Tape: HORSE The Band "R. Borlax" Reissue
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Tape: HORSE The Band "Your Fault"
Tape: Hypo-Christians "Demo 2020"
Tape: Ixias/Test "Split"
Tape/CD: Krupted Peasant Farmerz "Demo Tape 1990"
CD/Tape: Lucas Lex "CASTLE"
Tape: Lurid Panacea "The Insidious Poisons"
Tape: Menso Noise/Deche-Charge "Split"
Tape: Metanoia "Time To Die"
Tape: Narcotized Brain Spasms "41 Songs"
Tape: Nikudorei "kenryokushihaibouryokuseiji"
Tape: Niku Dorei/DxIxE "Split"
Tape: Pink Mass "Nympho Commando"
Tape: Preachers That Lie "Discography"
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Tape: Rufio "Perhaps, I Suppose..."
Tape: Sete Star Sept/Troy McClure "NOISETOKILLHUMANS"
Tape: Sorry X "Online Rockstar"
Tape: Speculum/Necroviolence "Split"
Tape: The Earwigs/Speculum "Split"
Tape: Torturing Nurse/Speculum "Split"
Tape: Wolfy "Self-Titled"
Tape: V/A "Worldwide Bootstompilation Vol. 1"